Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Way It Should Be Preached

It's been a while since this made the rounds, and I thought it was time for it to make the rounds again.

As Paul Washer says in this sermon, I don't care if you are happy, comfortable or if life is turning out the way you want it to. I don't care if your checkbook balances. This is the most important message you could hear. EVER. You say you are a Christian? I challenge you to listen to this entire message carefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I first listened to Paul Washer's sermon on July 3rd this year. Since then I have listened to many of them. They are helping me separate from so much of the humanistic foundational beliefs that guide my thinking, valuing, and motivation. By God's grace I am being instructed in true Truth from a biblical perspective. I would encourage all who profess Christ to listen to these God centred teachings and exhortations from God's WORD. You can find more of Paul's sermons on,, and

May God's name be exalted.