Monday, September 11, 2006

Fifteen Evil Consequences of Plexiglas Preaching

Pulpit Magazine has a great article by John MacArthur on the ramifications of superficial preaching. Here's an excerpt:

"Armed with a “big business” mentality, many in the seeker-sensitive movement have replaced Bible-based sermons with anecdote-filled talks. After all, that’s the stuff that sells. In light of this growing evangelical trend, John MacArthur examines what happens when preachers put the seeker before the Savior and abandon God’s Word for ear-tickling entertainment."


Anonymous said...

Wow! and Amen! An excellent article. Thanks for directing me to it.

Tim Brown said...

You're welcome Kim. Actually I found it at Lin's blog. Here's her link:

It's great to hear John still proclaiming these things. It was almost 24 years ago that I studied hermeneutics under him and he stressed a few of those points repeatedly.

I need to dig those old class tapes out and put them on disk!!!