Saturday, June 28, 2008

Playing the Pharisee Card

Have you been there? You stand up for the truth and someone has to call you a Pharisee.

Well, Christian Research Network has an article on this topic. Here's an excerpt:

"Todd Wilken, host of the Issues, Etc. radio program, has a fantastic article in the latest Issues, Etc. Journal that discusses how the average Christian and those in the anti-discernment crowd play the ‘Pharisee card’ as a means of silencing those who Biblically critique and challenge pop evangelicalism. Said Wilken:

I have been called a Pharisee more times than I can remember. It goes with the territory. I host a conservative Christian radio talk show. I publicly defend the teachings and practices of the historic Church. I also publicly point out false teaching and practices in the Church today. For these reasons alone, some believe that I deserve to be called a Pharisee.

But I’m not alone. Today, the label “Pharisee” is applied to many Christians just like me - perhaps you’re one of them. We are Christians who cherish God’s Word, the Church’s historic Creeds, confessions and practices. When we see the Church abandoning these things to follow the latest fads and entertainments, we lament. When we see the Gospel itself being left behind in the Church’s rush to mimic popular culture, we are grieved. And when we question the Church’s infatuation with the spirit of the age, we are labeled Pharisees."

And, of course, the rest can be found here.