Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Beyond Reason

There's just no reasoning with some people. And it begins to be very tiring and sometimes I just want to scream "can't anyone come along with a new argument?"

I'm referring to the "give me scientific proof that 'x' is true" argument.

See, it's basically faulty. "Joe Unbeliever", who professes to be representing the "rational" view of things insists that the onus is on us to scientifically prove that God exists or that some other assertion is true.

Of course, the problem is that the mere argument that "all things must be scientifically proven to be true" is self-defeating; for that argument in itself must then be scientifically proven true to be asserted. But, hey, that's just an inconvenience and hence unecessary in the eyes of the one who wants it from the believer in Christ.

And they accuse us of circular reasoning!

The fact is that many things can't be proven on a scientific level. For example. Did a man named Caeser live? Prove it scientifically. How would one prove that Abraham Lincoln lived? How? To do that, you must use another kind of evidence -- namely historical / legal evidence. You know, that inconvenient "unscientific" stuff that they use in our court system.

Another problem with this "prove it" mentality is that it assumes that nothing can exist outside our sphere of knowlege. "If you can't prove it, I can't accept it".

Bear with me for a minute. Draw a circle on a sheet of paper. Go ahead. Please. Then make a "slice" in the pie with two lines. Make it the size that you think represents the percentage of what you possess of all the knowlege in the universe.

So, how big is your slice of the sum total of all knowlege? 1%? 10%. A whopping 15%. Wow. That leaves alot left, doesn't it? That represents everything you don't know.

See, in a real sense, there are no such things as atheists. The word means "there is no God". But for that to be affirmed as true, that person would by necessity have to know the sum total of all knowlege, for the person must admit that somewhere outside his or her sphere of knowlege that proof just might exist. So, let's cut the nonsense. There are no true atheists. Just agnostics. They "Don't Know". But their pride won't let them admit they don't know.

So for those of you who want everything to be proven in a test tube, get some logic. And get rational -- no one really lives that way.

So you are an atheist? That's ok, I don't believe in you.

Oh. By the way. If you like the graphic at the top of this article, you can download it here and use it any way you wish; I drew it a few years ago using my trusty mouse, Linux and the Gimp. Click on the link, then select "original size", right-click the image and save it.

Blessings to you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

I really enjoyed your rant. Read it aloud to my adult daughter (who also loves the LORD) and she liked it, too. Hope you feel better! You expressed yourself well.

Tim Brown said...

Thank you. Kim!

It was a few years ago that I was involved in creating art work. I enjoyed it. What happened was that I began to submit it to a web site that, as I would find out, was populated by so-called "atheists". So, for about a year, I attempted to communicate a reasonable faith to those who populated the web site.

I learned to bear up under all manner of things, obviously, but I still have my moments where I want to just grab someone and shake them a bit.

So many of these people think that everything can be reduced to a formula. In fact, I've seen many respond with literal formula type answers, using symbols and everything. As if nothing can exist outside of that. It's silly!

So, generally I realize that nothing can be said to persuade anyone, really. It's all of God, as it was with me.

But once in a while you just wanna rant!

Anonymous said...

The Sovereignty of God one is the most comforting truths of the universe, combined with the truth of the goodness of God. At times, I rant or bemoan and it leaves me so unsettled. Then, by HIS grace, such a settlement of peace comes when I repent of my angst; returning to resting in my Saviour, my holy God, that HE knows what is best and HE is acting for the best in HIS perfect time in HIS perfect way. And that HE will accomplish all that HE has purposed to be accomplished.