Thursday, October 05, 2006

Another Book!

Yes, I have become the proud owner of Bob DeWaay's book "Redefining Christianity". Just got it in my big ol' hands when I walked in the door from work today.

229 pages. Looks like good reading but then I'm familiar with what Bob is saying from the series he did when he discussed the book with Brian Flynn. You can hear that series here.

Just the right size for chucking under your arm with your Bible as you go off to church. Think of it as a 229 page tract for those in the Church. People will see that tree and ask you what you're reading!

One interesting section I've already noticed (and again heard about in the series linked to above) discusses Rick Warren's private orthodoxy which differs from his public profession. In other words, he supposedly believes in Jesus Christ as described in the Bible but has a problem "...confessing Him before men..."

Another point -- Rick Warren's definition of "church" tragically eliminates or greatly obscures the difference between the "visible" (everyone in the church building, saved and unsaved) and "invisible" church (the actual believers). It's no longer about feeding the sheep but entertaining religious consumers. You're a believer? Sorry, Rick says you're on your own.

So, between this and "Above All Earthly Pow'rs", it looks like I'm going to be busy for a while. But this looks like an easier read.

Another one I recommend!

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