Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Way To Deliverance?

Ok, let me be upfront and admit that my b.p. is still high. But I'll try to keep this as civil as I can.

It was my "privilege" this morning to get another copy of our church newsletter. As per usual, I browsed it. I'll admit it, I'm not a "newsletter" person.

Then my eyes fell on an article by our pastor. It was an article on deliverance from pornography. What did I read? Basically a promotion for the online xxxchurch website. The article (with names and other information smeared out) can be found here.

I have taken the opportunity to write a response to the pastor. And because this is something that was published for public viewing, I copied the elders of our church. The text can be read here.

Do I believe that we should reach out to those caught up in the sin of pornography? Of Course! The Lord Himself reached out to me when I was alone at my computer! But we don't need to smear filth on ourselves to reach out to those who need to be set free.

Let us pray that discernment will prevail.

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