Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Warrenism Bears More Rotten Fruit

Well, here's another one. Of course, this shouldn't be any surprise considering Rick Warren's marketing of "Purpose Driven" at Synagogue 3000. This was a conference for Orthodox Jewish leadership. Yes, you read that right. There was also a write-up in the Jewish Journal which reported that Rick Warren is "not interested in converting Jews to Christianity"...seems he "has enough trouble with Christian souls".

In this Synagogue 3000 clip, you can see and hear for yourself as Slick Rick lumps Jews, Baptists and Buddhists all together and says that "he isn't telling...what parameters (beliefs) are wrong..." Of course not. That would diminish the size of his target audience.

Stir the Jews to jealousy? Nah. That doesn't serve his "purpose".

Rick? When do you plan to do your regular bait-and-switch and tell them that Jesus is the Messiah?

Truly, the blind continue to lead the blind.


Rick Frueh said...

Could it be that they went out from us because they were not of us? I pray not, but one thing is for sure, these sheep are straying from the true sheepfold while claiming they still serve the Lord Christ. Paul referred to the Jews as the concision or as enemies of the cross.

The theology (philosophy) of unity seems so loving and Christlike, but one reading of the New Testament and another look at the bloody cross of redemption shouts "Come out from among them!"

Warren has defined God by his own intellect and fallen compassion. Think about it, would I have made a hell? No, I wouldn't have. So does that make me more compassionate than God? No, it just exposes how unlike God we are. Let God be true and every man a liar!

Anonymous said...

I shared this info with a Jewish friend. He responds:

Concerning this new attempt at religious assimilation and Synagogue 3000 (aka McShul -- egad, serious cognitive dissonance there!). Perhaps I should be more worried than I am. But Judaism has seen this before. Every time a dominant culture has given Jews significant religious freedom, Jews have flocked to that dominant culture. Every time, they've said that the "old time religion" of traditional Judaism was obsolete -- and that religious freedom for Jews was here to stay, so that the stuff that's kept us alive through the centuries was no longer needed.

Jews said that as they assimilated to Greek culture in 6th-century-BC Judaea; they would later say it as Roman citizens, as Europeans of the Enlightenment, as part of the "emancipation" of 19th-century Germany, and so on. History has shown us what happened to those cultures, and to the people who flocked to them.

There have also been many, many offshoots to Judaism over the centuries; generally they, too, have claimed that traditional Judaism was obsolete. There were the Pharisees and Saducees, two thousand years ago. There was Shabbetai Zvi and Yaakov Frank and their messianic followers. History has passed them by... but the Jewish people remain.

Let Ron Wolfson and Craig Taubman do their thing. Maybe they'll have some success, and maybe they won't. That's beside the point. The point is that the Jewish people will survive. There's nothing unique about twenty-first-century America as a challenge to Judaism; we've seen this before.

Or, in the words of a popular Israeli song -- which experienced a revival last summer, during the Hizballah war -- "We've gotten past Pharoah; we'll get past this too."

Anonymous said...

This clip of Rick is confusing. Here is the great exponent of "seeker sensitive" saying you must have parameters to define what is "in" and " what" is out.

Jesus made it much simpler you can not be "in" unless your Born of the Spirit, that which is flesh is flesh that which is spirit is spirit.

This shows that Purpose Driven is just a system of man, you can apply it to whatever you wish and you will get a growing congregation.

Anyone want to predict when we will get the sequel," The purpose driven Kingdom Hall" which should be a gret seller amongs smaller JW congregations.

Pastor Paul Ireland