Friday, May 18, 2007

Emerging Church Confusion

The contemporary church is being infected by the leaven of "emergent" thinking. If you look around, you'll see disturbing trends. One example is Bethel Seminary and the Baptist General Conference endorsing emergent leader Erwin McManus. And the BGC isn't the only organization falling into this error -- the SBC, which has long been known for its' conservatism, is being infected by it as well. In fact, the emergent error knows no denominational limits. Whenever you consider a church, I urge you to take this into account very sincerely.

Did you ever wonder what it's like to hear someone who represents the "emergent" church movement? Then take the time to listen to Doug Pagitt as interviewed by Ingrid Schlueter on VCY America's "Crosstalk" program and compare it to the analysis by Pastor Bob DeWaay.

Prepare to be frustrated as you hear Doug dance around most every question he's asked.

I weep for Christianity.

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