Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Where Are the Elders Who Guard the Flock?
Bob DeWaay

An excerpt from the article from Bob DeWaay:

"Most evangelical churches have elders; these elders are responsible for the Lord’s flock. My interviews with people who have witnessed their churches being infiltrated by unbiblical teachings and practices have opened my eyes to a serious problem in our evangelical movement: elders who do not think that what is being taught and practiced in their church is important enough to judge biblically. This is serious. In many cases, these elders consider their primary job to be—support the senior pastor and his reputation at all costs. Their secondary job—watch over the financial well being of the church as a corporation. Their tertiary job—make sure no one rocks the boat. Thus, in these elders’ interpretation of their job description, the problem in the church becomes those concerned members who care about the integrity of the gospel message."

Read the rest of the article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often visit this blog and somehow missed this post. Bob as is his custom nails the truth to the wall. Thanks for sharing this.