Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Wake Up Call...

From Christian Worldview Network:

An Urgent Report:
Code Blue: Churched Students and Families
in Final Throes of Worldview Crisis

By Brannon S. Howse

"The church in America is in critical condition. Christian adults and young people alike embody worldviews that are no different from those outside the church. Jesus’ warning in Revelation 3:16 should be ringing in our collective ears: “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth” (HCSB). Separation from Christ means spiritual death follows quickly. For that reason, Worldview Weekend has declared CODE BLUE for America’s church. Urgent action is vital, or the vibrant Christian faith we all should be sharing will soon be dead. Studies Show the Real Us Researchers of the problem continue to come up with increasingly grave statistics that explain how serious the condition is. Among Christian adults:

• 64% believe moral truth depends on the situation;
• 60% believe male/female co-habitation outside of marriage is acceptable;
• 55% believe a good person can earn his or her salvation;
• 44% believe Jesus Christ committed sins while on earth.

And consider the peril of college students:

• 67% of college professors approve of homosexuality; • 84% of professors approve of abortion;
• 65% embrace socialist and communist ideals;
• 88% of students from “Christian” homes deny their faith before they graduate from college;
• 91% of students from evangelical churches do not believe in absolute moral truth.[3] Recognizing the life-and-death nature of the issue, the Southern Baptist Convention, to its credit, has even done a self-study and found that 88% of young people from SBC homes deny their faith before they graduate from college."

Read the rest of the article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to ask myself, "are some of these people mentioned here really believers"?