Monday, May 28, 2012

Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you (and they include 'pork', 'cloud' and 'Mexico')

Here we go again...our government warning us of what to say and not to say. Everyday words such as "pork", "sick", and "water" among others. So, let me get it over with...

Yesterday I had some *pork*. A while later I felt a bit *sick*, thinking it might have been because of the *swine* I ate. I drank lots of *water* and the *wave* seemed to pass. I'm sure it wasn't the *flu*, or any other *infection*. I'm thankful my health hasn't gone *bust*, and whatever it was I hope I become more *resistant*...

There, that outta do it...Such government silliness!

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