Friday, March 28, 2008

What I'm Listening To...

For some time now, I've been searching for better "Christian" radio. For the past 8 months or so, I've been aware of Christian Tuner, which is a web site that provides links to various internet stations. For quite a while I was listening to one particular station but started hearing things I just didn't care for. So I began looking again.

This time, I went to Christian Tuner and checked out the "Messianic" section. Turns out that there is a station named "WSTW" (We Share The Word). And I like it, quite a bit. I'd encourage you to give it a listen.

There is obviously a distinct Messianic sound that you don't get in "regular" Christian radio. Some of it has to do with basic musical differences. And there are some things that are sung with Hebrew lyrics which obviously have limited impact on my life. However, after listening for three days, I've noticed that the lyrics to the songs in English are so scripture oriented. It puts American "contemporary Christian" music to shame. . .and I'm talking about the 'good' stuff.

Perfect? No. I'm not saying that because I've found anything to point to, but just because nothing will be perfect. But I've found it to be a far cry better than most of the regular "Christian" fare. The lyrics are invariably understandable and reverent. They actually and Biblically exalt God and His character. There is nothing flippant or "me" centered about any of it.

It's been a rich experience. They have regular "snippets" of teaching where a Rabbi exegetes a passage from the Jewish point of view. It's "here a little, there a little" but so far very good.

Just wanted to pass the link along. I so appreciate Messianic Jews. There is a richness there that we Gentiles don't generally have.

1 comment:

Go Share Your Faith said...

Thanks for the tip!
I don't listen to any music because even if it's so called "Christian" it will still be worldly.

I also have been really interested in the "Jewish" aspect of the scriptures and how it impacted the people of that time...

thanks again!